Therapy Chat Podcast with Laura Reagan, LCSW-C
Therapy Chat Podcast was started in 2015 with host Laura Reagan, LCSW-C, owner of BA Healing. Laura shares more about her journey with Therapy Chat below.
When I started my podcast, I had never listened to a podcast myself. As a Gen-X’er I was not really sure who listened to podcasts or why it could be helpful to do so.
I just knew I had something to say and I wanted people to hear it. At the same time I was terrified to be judged and rejected for what I was putting out there.
Ultimately I decided it was worth it to be brave and share information that I wasn’t hearing other people talk about at the time.
I wanted to let people know that:
there is nothing wrong with you (it’s not you, it’s your trauma)
the way you feel is not your fault
your experience is real and healing is possible
if you haven’t found healing through traditional talk therapy approaches and the medical model, welcome to the club - those methods can be useful for symptom reduction but true healing comes through a combination of Top Down and Bottom Up therapy approaches
trauma therapy doesn’t have to be awful and painful - if it’s done well, the discomfort of addressing unresolved trauma and attachment wounds should be tolerable and include moments of awe, wonder, curiosity, joy and resilience
trauma creates disconnection from Self and Other, and trauma therapy is a journey back home to yourself
there are many paths to healing
I’m passionate about helping people learn about trauma and how it shows up in our lives.
With the Adverse Experiences Study showing us that 67% of adults have experienced adversity in childhood which impacts our health - both physical and mental health - over our lifespans, understanding the impact of trauma in our lives is imperative.
Before we can begin to heal from trauma, we need to be able to recognize it!
Typically we think, “what I went through wasn’t that bad compared to what other people deal with.” This is something nearly every trauma survivor I’ve worked with has said.
And I’ve worked with many, many trauma survivors since 2002 when I started out as a volunteer in a Sexual Assault Crisis Center.
My mission as a trauma survivor and experienced trauma therapist is to spread the message that trauma is real, healing is possible and help is available.
Over the years since I started Therapy Chat I’ve been extremely fortunate to speak with so many brilliant people about healing trauma. This has enhanced my therapy skills immensely. What other opportunity would someone have to spend 45 minutes asking the world’s leaders in the trauma field anything I want to know about trauma therapy? It’s been an incredible gift.
Since 2015, Therapy Chat has released more than 425 episodes; it’s been released weekly since the start and has been downloaded more than 8 million times!
Therapy Chat has been honored to be counted in the top .05% of podcasts consistently since 2016.
I received so many inquiries about finding a trauma therapist outside of the area where I’m licensed (the state of Maryland) that I created a searchable directory to locate a trauma therapist near you which is available at
My Trauma Therapist Network website provides additional information about trauma and healing, access to my 2 podcasts, Therapy Chat and Trauma Chat, and a membership community supporting trauma therapists.
Find the newest episodes of Therapy Chat in video format on YouTube here!
Listen to Therapy Chat Podcast on Spotify Here.
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Here's what past guests are saying about Therapy Chat!
Deirdre Fay, LICSW
"Therapy Chat, led by Laura Reagan, is an authentic voice exploring the threshold cutting edge psychotherapy practices. Laura’s passion for working with trauma using a lens of compassion comes through in her interviews, making them profoundly connecting and inspiring at the same time."-- Deirdre Fay
Author of Attachment-Based Yoga & Meditation for Trauma Recovery' and 'Becoming Safely Embodied: A Skills-based Approached to Working with Trauma & Dissociation. Learn more about Deirdre
Dr. Leslie Korn, LMHC
"I rely on Therapy Chat with Laura Reagan who consistently provides thoughtful and compassionate discussions about the most effective approaches to mental well being available today." -- Leslie Korn
Author, speaker, teacher, psychotherapist and expert in integrative approaches to nutrition and mental health
Tim Ambrose Desmond, LMFT
"Therapy Chat helps you feel connected to what's happening in the mental health field. Laura is a warm and engaging interviewer, and this is an amazing resource." -- Tim Desmond
Psychotherapist, teacher, and author of "Self Compassion in Psychotherapy: Mindfulness-Based Practices for Healing & Transformation' and 'The Self Compassion Skills Workbook: A 14 Day Plan to Transform Your Relationship with Yourself."